World's Best Health Coaching Platform

AI-enabled Health Coaching at Scale

Care Coordination pink icon

Condition-specific, Polychronic Approach

One platform to support people with any number of chronic conditions including mental health with a whole person approach, supporting each participant as to their needs

Strongest Published Evidence

30+ published papers showing statistically and clinically significant outcomes in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, anxiety and PTSD

One Platform, Multiple Programs

Our evidence-based programs focus on the adoption and maintenance of healthy behaviors such as regular physical activity, healthy eating and stress management techniques like mindfulness.

Mental Wellness

Behavioral Health & Mental Wellbeing

Improves mental health by building resiliency through engaging in positive health behaviors & cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Reduce depression & anxiety symptoms
  • Minimize stress and burnout
  • Improve peak performance

Polychronic Condition Management

Designed to halt the progression of chronic disease by improving the adherence of key health behaviors

  • Improve understanding of chronic conditions
  • Reduce complications from chronic disease

Chronic Disease dark green
Healthy Living dark pink

Workplace Wellness

Focuses on the pillars of wellbeing: physical, mental, career, social, financial and community

  • Improve productivity
  • Improve employee engagement, wellbeing and satisfaction
  • Reduce absenteeism & presenteeism

Personalized for Each Individual

Our programs provide comprehensive support from healthy living to prevention and management for a range of chronic conditions, including mental health. We believe individuals should have one platform that provides support for their physical and mental health needs.


Diabetes dark green icon


Cardiovascular disease dark green icon

Cardiovascular Disease

COVID-19 Dark Green icon


Chronic Pain dark green icon

Chronic Pain

Cancer Survivorship dark green icon

Cancer Survivorship

Depression dark green icon

Depression, Anxiety & PTSD


Exercise & Physical Activity pink icon

Exercise & Physical Activity

Diet & Nutrition pink icon

Diet & Nutrition

Alcohol Smoking & Substance Use pink icon

Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Use

Medication Adherence pink icon

Medication Adherence

Stress Management & Mindfulness pink icon

Stress Management & Mindfulness

Financial Literacy pink icon

Financial Literacy

Our Evidence & Outcomes

At NexJ Health, we are dedicated to evidence-based interventions and supporting the best clinical research. Here is our evidence and outcomes supported by peer-reviewed publications.

Lowered HbA1c by

9 mmol/mol

Reduced Systolic BP by



Reduced Depression by


Improved Cancer Survivor

Mood & QOL

Increased Patient Satisfaction

38 to 96%

Returned Employees to Work Safely



Changing Lives!

Making a difference with Patients, Researchers and Healthcare Organizations

“My [Health Coach] is a great listener, and she asks the right questions to make sure that NexJ is offering its best service for my needs. I enjoy the NexJ App very much for its flexibility on the trackers. I was never able to find trackers that could help with uncommon medical conditions and medication dosage that varies every day. Having access to the library, workbooks and exercise videos are a great way to keep this program even more interactive. My way of thinking about overall wellness has certainly changed in the past months. Thank you.”

Other apps I used were single use which is frustrating because they don’t work together and I love this app because it’s like a one stop shop for everything, including really good information, education and written for Canadian (especially the glucose information).

I was hesitant about meal tracking at first because of negative experiences with diet culture (tracking calories or points and having a lot of confusion, frustration or sense of failure with so many types of food being “off limits” or “bad” or “red zone” or portion sizes being so restrictive)… I like that there isn’t much judgement placed on the tracking, it’s just observing. I especially enjoy that nothing so far has been tied to weight! Very refreshing! I also appreciate being in a program that doesn’t rely on personal shame and/or using public celebration of (weight loss only) milestones as a way to try and motivate under performers!

“I have just completed a 12 week Connected Wellness Program. The experience was most rewarding. My knowledge base, with regard to particular health issues, was enhanced considerably.”

Male with Type 2 diabetes, 75 years old

“As a newly diagnosed Type 2, I had the good fortune to see a diabetes educator who referred me to this program. I have and am learning several ways to manage my diabetes and feel much better about my ability to make the right choices.”

Female with Type 2 diabetes, 65 years old

“I am so happy with how things are going. The platform is great. I am so happy my sugars are down. You are easy to work with, helpful, and without you I would have never started walking. Thank you.”

Male with Type 2 diabetes, 59 years old

“Going for a walk or eating more vegetables are actions we know are good for our health, but actually doing what was good for my heart was much more achievable with the support of the Virtual Care Program.”

Female with Cardiovascular Disease

“Game-changing technology to address care models and champion for patients. NexJ really has the secret sauce on how to engage the patient.”

Dr. Paul Grundy, ``godfather`` of the Patient-Centered Medical Home

Who's using NexJ Connected Wellness?

We support Patients to achieve their health and wellness goals, Payers to lower costs by empowering people to live healthier lives and Providers deliver better care to more patients.

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